The Aurora City Council said a final public goodbye and thank you to City Maintenance Supervisor Dan Rasmussen at their regularly scheduled council meeting held Monday, February 21. His official retirement date is February 28, 2022. Mayor Daven Quarnberg said he felt it important to give Rasmussen a big send-off and public goodbye at the January meeting because the COVID cases were rising, and he was scared the February meeting would be virtual only. Thankfully that didn’t happen and the in-person meeting featured heart felt thanks from former councilmember Joanne Shaw and former co-worker and council member Brett Blackburn both of whom worked with him extensively.
Shaw said though she didn’t dig in the dirt and share experiences of that nature with Dan, she had different interactions and recalled a time when there was a mess between the glass panes in the city building’s oven, and it really aggravated her, but the next thing she knew, it had been fixed by Dan.
“He is always willing to do what needs to be done,” she said. “That wasn’t in his job description, but he made sure it was done, like he always has. His integrity, kindness, patience, and honesty are admirable, and he is so good to other people. He cares about the details and makes sure the small things are as important as the big things. I admire him for the good man he is. He’s a gifted human being.”
Similar sentiments were offered by Blackburn, who said that most people don’t understand how precious Dan is to Aurora City and said he’s been an amazing asset to the town as well as a really great personal friend. He spoke of Rasmussen going above and beyond his job description in everything he did and thanked and praised him for all he has contributed to the community.
Mayor Quarnberg said he’s been nervous about Rasmussen’s retirement because of the wealth of knowledge he has provided but is confident in the skills and competency of replacement Jordan Bosh.
Parker Vecimak, Jones and Demille Engineering, updated the council on their well project and reported that all the necessary easements have been obtained. There was some discussion on water rights and shares, and questions on the facility’s capabilities. It was reiterated that the irrigation water outlook looks bleak, potentially worse than last year- unless storms pick up. The mayor and council members said they have been asked whether the well will be able to sustain larger gardens this summer, and the answer was, not necessarily.
“The only thing that really changes is the mindset of the people,” said Vecimak. “I’d recommend modest gardens. I mean, we don’t have to be doom and gloom, but we do have to continue to be conscientious and we will be vigilant and keep an eye on things to make sure we are keeping within our usage rights.”
Landfill fees from the county will be increasing this spring due to changes made on the county level which will result in a $2 increase on each resident’s utility bill. It is unclear whether the fee increase will be on April or May’s utility bill.
Dog issues at the city park, particularly at the south end, were brought to light, and though the council members agreed it is an ongoing problem, residents are asked to please clean up after your own animals. Dogs at large will be taken to the pound, and it was agreed that though it would be helpful to fine those who allow their dogs to use the park as a dumping ground, legally they must be caught in the act, so it is up to pet owners to please be respectful.
City Recorder Clint Johnson asked for the council’s opinion on a city hosted Egg Hunt to celebrate Easter, and unanimous support was given. The event will be held Monday, April 18 at the city park for Aurora residents, with more information to come.
There will also be a city blood drive on Monday, March 21 from 2-7 p.m. Contact the city office for more information.
In other council business:
- Approved a donation to the Salina Public Library. The city annually donates $1300.
- Approved a donation to the Miss North Sevier Scholarship Fund.
- Approved the purchase of necessary software and firewall to provide adequate disaster recovery and back up for city computers.
- Announced Rocky Mountain Power service interruption may affect the entire town on March 8 from 1-4 a.m.