The Salina Area Chamber of Commerce hosted Greg Jensen Thursday, June 2, who is the third of the three candidates for Sevier County Commission Seat B for the June Republican Primary Election. Jensen said he has spent the past several weeks meeting with city councils, fire departments, senior citizen groups, and even local business owners to get a feel for what’s happening in the county, and said he senses the need for something different/a change. His biggest priority, if elected to the county commission seat, is to listen to the elected officials and sincerely represent their needs.
He said taxes should come from helping build the businesses- including those 1300 currently in the county, small though they may be. In his mind Jake Van, the new manager at the Blackhawk, is killing it, and he’d like to see the Sevier Valley Center, fairgrounds, and Blackhawk hosting an event every weekend which will help the county’s economy. Jensen also said he thinks it’s necessary to have a solid plan for growth, while continuing to respect the open space identity of the area, and
He disputed incumbent Tooter Ogden’s claim that the county will lose a seat on the Community Impact Board (CIB) if he’s not elected. Senate Bill 111, which went into effect June 1, 2022, states that the county producing the most coal (Sevier) oil and gas (Duchesne and Uintah), will have a seat on the board, so regardless of who wins the election, Sevier County will continue to have a seat on the CIB as long as it continues to be the largest coal (or gas or oil) county in the state.
“I really wanted to make that point,” he said. “According to this bill, Sevier County will have a seat on the CIB, regardless of who is elected, and if Tooter happens to lose the election, the county commissioners will have the responsibility to appoint another in his place.”