The Salina Area Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Cardboard Boat Regatta on Saturday, July 24, beginning at 3:00 p.m. (after the Redmond Town parade and activities) at the Redmond Lake beach area. The event is free to the public, however the cost for race participation is $5 per person per race. General rules for the Regatta include the following: boats must be pre-built; all boats are human powered, oars and paddles allowed, arms and legs in the boat at all times; there must be a minimum of 2 crew members and every crew member must wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).
There will be 3 categories of races – Youth & Teen (ages 10-17), Adult (Ages 18+), Family (Adult/youth combo). Crew members under 10 must be in a boat with a qualified racer. Awards/prizes will be given to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd fastest times in each event category. Special awards will be given for most creative boat, best decorated boat and the Titanic Award for most spectacular sinking.
Construction rules include: all boats must be built of corrugated cardboard; the only fastening materials you can use are tape and glue; duct tape may be used for seams, but the boat cannot be wrapped with duct tape or plastic; hulls may be painted with any “one-part” enamel or lacquer paint; polyurethane varnish or water sealant is NOT permitted (including Flex Seal); boats should be less than 5 feet wide and less than 8 feet long.
Complete rules are posted on the Salina Area Chamber of Commerce and Redmond, Utah Facebook pages.
After the races, there will be a beach party with the band Borderline entertaining. For questions or additional information, contact Sherri Sampson at (435) 529-7459 or Carol Lowman at (435) 201-4997.