Work began on Salina City’s bike/pedestrian trail on Wednesday, April 6 with Rasmussen Excavating receiving the bid. The path will be completed within sixty days and Mayor Jed Maxwell said he’s glad the project is underway.
“It will be nice to have this project completed right in time for the XBA barrel races,” he said. “The purpose of the pathway is to keep people off the highway while providing a safe pathway for those wishing to walk/bike to the south end of Salina. A lot of people walk to and from work and this will allow them to do so safely.”
He said the project will be complete just in time for big events at the Blackhawk and other city summer events and following completion Salina City will take ownership and maintenance of the trail.
The 10’ wide paved path runs along the west side of the highway from the Car Wash to Carl’s Jr. and will cost $400,000 with $200,000 paid by UDOT, $150,000 Outdoor Recreation Grant Money, and the remainder from Salina City.