It’s often a thankless job, but dedicated civil servants step up to fill the need for Mayor and City Council members as well as multiple other volunteer positions. In Aurora last Monday night Fire Chief Weston Mason publicly thanked the elected officials in Aurora for their service and for their support of the firemen. He and assistant chief Matt Long were sworn into office at the meeting by receiving the oath of office.
“We have some pretty nice equipment, and it’s from years of support from our council,” said Mason. “We train as hard as any department in the county, and we couldn’t do what we need to do without your support.”
The council in turn thanked the firemen for their service to the community and it was noted that the hard work and sacrifices go both ways. The fire department performs many duties behind the scenes and work hard at fundraising to help in funding necessary equipment and trainings. It was noted that the cohesive relationship ensures success for all involved.
Judge Cindy Probert was in attendance to also administer the oath of office to re-elected Mayor Daven Quarnberg and Councilman Jim Harrison. The judge covers Delta, Fillmore, Aurora, and Millard County and travels to Aurora twice a month. Though she says the case load is light, she enjoys performing her duties and is happy to do what she can to serve the Aurora community. She spoke of several changes coming to the judicial offices with this upcoming legislative session and said cameras in the courtroom will soon be required. There are grants available to cover the cost on a first come first served basis and she plans on adhering to this standard. She has been with Aurora City for the past three years and sees between 5 and 8 cases each month.
As part of the justice department, Aurora’s police Force which is headed by Captain Matt McLean, was praised and it was announced that a second officer, Stuart Reid, has also been hired but was unable to attend Monday night’s meeting to be sworn in. Chief McLean lives in Annabella and works for Sevier County Sheriff’s Department and then with Aurora part time. Reid also works for the Sevier County Sheriff’s Department and Aurora part time. Officers attempt to get in 40 hours a month of patrolling streets and handle other issues as well such as domestic violence, DUI, ordinance compliance etc. but 95 percent is traffic violations. The police department and animal control officer in Aurora also work with the court to help with dog issues and animal control issues.
Peter Vercimak, the city’s engineer from Jones and DeMille Engineering approached the council and updated them on the city’s current water project and reported things are on schedule and going forward as planned. The well building has been successful, and they’ve been in close contact with the driller throughout the process and are currently finalizing third-party seal reports. Dirt has been moved for the tank west of town and the importance of correct leveling was discussed as contractors will begin prepping the subgrade; they’ll likely bring in rebar by the end of the month. Pipe to the chlorine building is scheduled to be laid and has begun to be delivered. Canal bores will likely begin within 2-3 weeks and there was some discussion as to whether boring or trenching would be the best option for the city. Vercimak said the generator needed is 38 weeks out which may delay the final close out but anticipates staying on track with the remainder of the project.
Chett White with White’s Sanitation provided a yearly visit to the council to update them of some billing changes which will take place at the county level. County Commissioners have made changes to landfill procedures and practices after a formal financial analysis was completed to ensure the landfill is financially sound. Changes will go into effect April 1, 2022 and will affect commercial more so than residential customers. The monthly charge to homes will increase minimally and the price per ton of waste material will also increase. Billing for commercial and business accounts will be administered by the hauler and payment by the customer will be made to the hauler. A commercial/business account will be charged for both the transport and the weight.
All vehicles bringing waste to the landfill will be weighed and charged on a pro-rated basis and the practice of allowing up to 1,000 lbs of material for free will phase out. Limbs brought to the landfill as a separated load will not be charged. More information from the county will be released closer to the start date of the changes.
Several ordinances were passed including a new one which relates to cross connect backflows which will require inspection on irrigation systems and a cemetery ordinance which changes how long a grave can be open and increasing non-residential burial fees. An inactive meter ordinance was passed which requires a connection fee payment for any meter inactive for two years.
The city’s yearly audit has been completed and information has been released. It was reported that Aurora City was highly complimented for meeting their obligations, paying their debts, and saving for the future.
The city’s yearly clean-up was schedule for April 29- May 9 and the dog clinic will be held February 5 from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Dr. Johnson will be there to provide shots and dogs tags are free until April 1 with proof of rabies vaccine.