The Salina, Utah Stake hosted Elder D. Todd Christofferson, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and his wife, Sister Kathy Christofferson to a special stake conference held Sunday, November 24. Joining them were Elder Hutch U. Fale, Area Seventy, and his wife, Sister Gaylene Fale. The meeting was conducted by Stake President Jonathan Mason, who spoke of holding to the Iron Rod, and Sister Fale addressed waiting on the Lord, with the reminder of being active and doing all within our power, rather than stagnant non action. Elder Fole spoke of parables in Matthew 25, including the parable of the talents, and Elder Christofferson continued that theme. He reminded attendees that the Lord regards each of his children individually within our capabilities, and rather than compare ourselves to others, try to be diligent in all we do.
He promised that small, simple and consistent efforts are the things that really do make a difference, such as daily scripture study and prayer, and reminded all that the Lord has asked each to look to him, doubting not and fearing not, and to follow the prophet’s council in being peacemakers. Tremendous strength is promised to those who keep their covenants with the Lord.
Elder Christofferson concluded the meeting by saying that he wished he could personally greet each conference attendee but would only have time for a quick handshake with the children and youth of the stake.