The Salina City Mayor and Council recognized Conviction Barber as their Business of the Quarter at their regularly scheduled council meeting held Wednesday, April 13.
“This business has done a lot for our community,” said Mayor Jed Maxwell. “They help families in need and donate and assist with many local fundraisers. The face of their building really looks nice and is an asset to our Main Street, and they provide a great service! Conviction Barber was much needed in our community, and they do a great job. We’re grateful to have them in Salina and are proud to recognize Conviction Barber as our business of the quarter.”
In addition to honoring Devin Noyes and Joe Stull, the Salina City Council heard from Kasey Peterson and reviewed preliminary plans on extending the city’s culinary water line in his proposed subdivision. In a previous meeting there was an agreement that a water test be conducted to assure flow was sufficient for needs, and Peterson submitted results of the study to the council which showed better than anticipated results. The positive test outcome put to ease the minds of the Mayor and Council, as well as Peterson, as the issue as fire prevention and future growth, as well as personal interests, were all met. Discussion was made as to placement/number of fire hydrants and upon following recommendations from the city’s maintenance, planning and zoning, and engineers, the preliminary approval for Peterson’s phase I was approved for the Salina Creek Subdivision.
The Blackhawk Arena was awarded the bid for the Women’s National Final Rodeo for 2023-2024- 2025 and were named twice in the top twenty national registry of events: for the Glenwood Futurity and for the Ruby Buckle events held last year. The arena also has confirmations on 3+ years for the Reign Cow Futurity and 5+ years for State 4-H events. The mayor and council said they’re looking forward to some “big stuff” coming up and Director Jake Van has worked hard at making the arena a successful venue. Mayor Maxwell noted that local members are extremely happy with the way they’re treated up there and events are continually getting bigger and better. IT personnel are working on accessing reliable and adequate internet as well as ordering/installing security cameras and video walls in the arena; it is anticipated there will be two 12’x7’ video walls inside the indoor arena on the north and south ends of the bleachers aimed towards spectators and out of view of competing horses. An 8’x4’ video wall will be erected in the atrium, and all equipment is special ordered, and custom designed to fit the arena and are rated for dust and the harsh environment. As events continue to come in, the council talked of perhaps putting another outside. They expressed appreciation to Van and all involved in the running of the Blackhawk.
CCC Museum
Salina City Mayor and Council discussed concerns at the CCC/POW Museum; due to weather the roofing keeps tearing and pieces continually curl up, resulting in leakage. Concerns were expressed that there are many valuable artifacts in the museum and a great deal of time and resources have been spent on the facility to let it fall into disrepair or be destroyed by weather. Councilman and local contractor Kevin Mickelsen was voluntold to visit the site and see what needed to be done and make plans accordingly. There was some discussion as to whether or not the site must be kept 100% actually authentic to the time period as more modern roofing, such as a metal roof, could be more financially and materially sensible. The museum is also seeking volunteers at the site, and anyone interested in spending time there is encouraged to contact the city offices.
Workout classes have picked up at the center and the fire department has donated their weights and workout equipment to the NSCC; discussions as to how to better serve all who want to use the facility are underway. Authorization has also been given for the purchase of a new cross-over cable machine which is in high demand, as well as two spin bikes. Baseball and softball registrations have been completed with almost 200 athletes signed up.
Salina’s maintenance crew have been working diligently at the Salina City Park, not only cleaning up branches and leaves, but repairing playground equipment and removing Russian Olive trees near the entrance and leveling the area as well as the necessary replacement of the culvert. Councilman Danny Viers suggested lava rock and gravel, as well as weed stop, to complete the project, and said the playground equipment is starting to show its age and will soon need to be replaced. The batting cages will be updated and Viers commended those who have assisted in making the park look so much better.
In other council business:
The Salina City pool rates have been updated and returning lifeguards were approved for a small raise.
The Maintenance Crew is working on repairing the water leak on Main Street and UDOT will not allow traffic to drive in that area until hot asphalt has been laid down.
The city’s website is in the process of being renovated and updated and the mayor and council recommended the pool, Blackhawk, and new city building be highlighted on it.
The purchase of Main Street and Veteran’s Memorial flowers was approved.