It was a wonderful festival in spite of the HEAT. So glad the balloons were able to stand up on Main St for the glow and fly on Sunday morning. They are always awe inspiring. The turnout for festival was fantastic. The kids, and I’m sure some of the adults, were really enjoying the carnival. The slip and slide was a fun way to cool down. Many took advantage of that. There were wonderful food vendors. Something for every taste. Everyone seemed excited about the craft vendors and a lot of money changed hands. Our NSHS cheerleaders had a very successful fundraiser with their chalk art contest and face painting. Our local entertainment was fun to watch, as usual, and our bands got the crowd out of their seats to dance a little. I could go on and on. An event like this takes a lot of work to pull off, but when it is successful, as this one was, it all seems worth it. It’s truly a community achievement