Representative Albrecht’s Report

Utah House of Representatives Report

By Representative Carl Albrecht

January 4, 2023

General Legislative Session 

This year’s General Legislative Session will begin on January 17th. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues to pass meaningful legislation that will help all Utahns. I’ll keep you updated with weekly newsletters. You can also follow along with the process and view daily agendas at

The Utah Way Together

Each year, the House Majority Caucus comes together to identify the most important policy challenges facing our state. This session, we will look to enact policies including:

  • Stewardship: Safeguarding our natural resources
  • Affordability: Keeping Utah affordable 
  • Investment: Laying the foundation for our future

These pieces of our overall policy puzzle fit together to guide our work during the 2023 General Legislative Session and beyond. We look forward to debating and crafting policies that will ensure our state continues to be the best place to live, work, learn, and play – not only now, but for generations to come.


A great way for you to follow along with the legislative session and learn more about some key policies that will be debated is by listening along to our House Majority Podcast. You can find all of the episodes at New episodes are posted each Thursday, so make sure you check back often to stay up to date!

Legislative Survey

If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with me. Your answers will help me as I vote on bills during the General Session. Go to to take the survey.

Contact Me

As soon as I am assigned an Intern for the Session, I will post their picture and contact information.  You can always contact me by calling or texting me at 435-979-6578 or by email at

I’m honored to serve you and look forward to watching out for your best interests in the 2023 Legislative Session.  I’ll always fight hard for Rural Utah.


Representative Carl R. Albrecht

District 70

Posted in

Lora Fielding

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