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Newsletter- Rep. Albrecht’s First Week of Session
The 2025 General Legislation Session has officially begun, and I’m honored to serve my ninth session and represent the good people of District 70. We’re looking forward to another 45 days of hard work, good legislation, and bettering Utah.
I’ll continue my work to better the lives of my constituents as well as rural Utah through ten bills I will be running this session; HB41: State Water Policy Amendments, HB47: Public Lands Watering Rights Amendments, HB72: Electricity Rate Amendments, HB174: Water Rights Restricted Account, HB202: Private Landowner Big Game Revisions, HB239: Disaster Funds Revisions, HB249: Nuclear Power Amendments, HB253: Agriculture and Food Amendments, HCR1: Concurrent Resolution Regarding the Grand County Water Conservancy District, HJR3: Joint Resolution Regarding State Prisoner Placement in Iron County Correctional Facility.
I will serve in the position as Chair for the House Natural Resource, Agriculture, and Environment Committee. I’m excited for this new appointment and to work with my collogues on the issues of this area that Rural Utah and the State face.
I am once again serving on the House Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee. After six years as Chair of this committee, I’m excited to continue to serve as a member on this committee.
Highlights of Week 1:
We came out of the gates running and passed our first bill of the session on day one. HCR1: Concurrent Resolution Regarding the Grand County Water Conservancy District, ensures that the water infrastructure operated by the DOE for the Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action will be transferred to the Grand County Water Conservancy District when the project is complete. This resolution will provide the people of Northern Grand County with vital water security. I’m proud to begin the session with a resolution that serves Rural Utah.
*Rep presenting on Floor*
I presented my bill HB72: Electricity Rate Amendments to the Public Utilities, Energy, and Technology Committee on Wednesday. HB72 aims to clarify that the Public Service Commission should not assign costs to Utah customers if they are unable to show how it will benefit them, and it also abolishes Rocky Mountain’s Energy Balancing Account (EBA). This bill ensures that Utahans will not be taken advantage of and take on unfair expenses. The bill passed with a favorable recommendation on a vote of 9-1.
I had the incredible honor to present the Rural Champion Awards to Founding Members of the Rural Caucus, originally known as the “Cowboy Caucus.” We presented a beautiful belt buckle to former Utah State Senator Tom Hatch, former Speaker of the House Mel Brown, and to the families of former Utah State Representatives Brad Johnson and Met Johnson.
It’s wonderful to honor these great men and show our appreciation to all that they have done for this State and Rural Utah.
The Governor hosted an open house in the Governor’s Mansion. It was a great opportunity to mingle with Governor Cox and my fellow legislatures. We also attended the Governor’s State of the State on Thursday night. My intern enjoyed the experience.
*Rep, wife and Gov.*
Friday afternoon I will Chair my first Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Environment Committee meeting.
Your involvement is vital to our process, make your voice heard. Please feel free to attend any public meetings or attend online to listen and testify. Contact me through phone or email; carlalbrecht@le.utah.gov, (435) 979-6578
Intern Introduction:
My name is Joe Boyle, and I am Representative Albrecht’s intern for the 2025 General Session. Born and raised in Monticello, I’m excited to join Rep. Albrecht and assist him in his fight for district 70 and rural Utah during this legislation session. I’m a Senior at UVU with plans to attend law school. I’m excited to serve Rural Utah and the State. Please reach out if I can assist you in any way: jboyle@le.utah.gov, (385) 420-3096.