Reading for the Future

Tianna Easterday, a senior at NSHS, is passionate about books and reading. Growing up, she had wide access to a variety of books, and reading was an important part of her family life.  It is disheartening to her that not all children have been fortunate in this way, so she set a goal to fundraise enough money to purchase a book for each local elementary student.  Through her efforts and the generous community and local businesses, her goal has been surpassed, and ALL elementary school students throughout Sevier School District have (or will shortly) personally received their own book from her, and she’s now working on doing the same for Sanpete County children.   “I set the goal of raising enough money to purchase a book for every student in Sevier School District, but in my mind, I thought if I earned enough money to get books for just Salina Elementary students, I’d be so happy,” said Easterday. “To get started, I gave a presentation at the balloon festival telling people about the project, then visited local businesses and set up a Go Fund Me, and everyone has been so supportive of my Reading for the Future initiative. I’m so grateful.”

              She acknowledges that books can be expensive and aren’t always a priority in today’s economy, especially in this area, and upon research found that the elementary schools in Sevier District are Title I schools, meaning the poverty rate is above 35%.  But, Easterday said she has been surprised and overwhelmed by the support received from the community in raising funds for the project and is grateful for the kind and gracious businesses and individuals who made it possible for the students to each receive such a gift.

              “There was one business I went into here in Salina and they weren’t sure they would be able to donate because I’m not an official non-profit, but a couple of days after my visit, they called me and said though they wouldn’t be able to donate as a corporation, the employees personally donated a significant amount of money towards this project,” she said. “It has been so sweet to see how many people care about our students and value reading.”

              When enough funds were secured, she worked with her former kindergarten teacher Kayla Bagley in ordering a variety of books through Scholastic and on Friday, September 6, Easterday participated in a reading assembly at Salina Elementary.  Following the assembly, she visited each class in the school with a box of age-appropriate books and EVERY student had the opportunity to choose their very own book.  The books reading levels range from kindergarten level to seventh grade readers, some are chapter books, and some are beginner reading books, some highlight sports, others animals, and others are literary prize winning classics-  Easterday and Bagley did their best to find a variety of subjects at an assortment of levels, so each child could find a book that spoke to them- over 2500 books!

              “The kids were so excited,” Easterday said. “It was so neat, and I got so many hugs.”

              Bagley who now teaches third grade at Salina Elementary, said her students were ecstatic about having their own book and many mentioned this was their first book they owned and could write their names in them!
              “I told my class that yes, they could write their names in them, yes, they could put them in their backpacks to take home,” she said. “Many said they didn’t have a reading book they could put their own names in, and they were tickled pink!  I ask my students to read 20-25 minutes at home each night, and they were excited they could have their very own book to help accomplish this requirement.”

              She praised Easterday for sharing the meaningful gift of literacy with the local students as both a parent and a teacher, and said, “She’s a smart kid and she’s going places, and a lot of it can be attributed to her love of reading at a young age.  She has the sweetest, kindest hart and is so quick to serve and help others.  I’m so happy for her and the work she is putting in.”

              Easterday has also distributed books at Monroe Elementary and has scheduled times at each of the other elementary schools in Sevier District, as well as Gunnison Elementary.  The positive feedback and assistance she’s received means her goal has expanded and she’s now working to give books to each elementary school student in Sanpete County too.  

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Lora Fielding

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