Each year the Redmond American Legion Auxiliary Post 118 sponsors a Poppy Poster contest, and the following artists have won at the local level and are being sent to State. If they win at State they will go on to Nationals! “I’m so proud to send them all. They all did a great job!” said coordinator Nikki Mickelsen. “I also appreciate all the others who participated in this incredible program.” 3rd grade: 1st Rawzyn Trapp (Salina), 2nd Chase Wilkins (Redmond), and 3rd Asher Sorensen (Redmond). 4-5 grades: 1st Oakley Mickelsen (Redmond), 2nd Makenzie Bosshardt (Redmond), 3rd Lyla Dahlsrud (Salina), Honorable Mention Berkley Mickelsen and Hadlee Piep. 6 – 7 grade 1st Place Daxton Lewis (Salina), 2nd Place Kaitlynn Prisbrey(Aurora), 3rd Ainslie Johnson(Redmond). 8th grade 1st Allie Heath (Aurora), 2nd Kiplynne McCourt (Aurora), 3rd Mandie Hansen (Salina), Hannah Johnson (Honorable Mention), Kara Jensen (Honorable Mention).