North Sevier Middle School Launches Exciting New Fundraiser: A Read-a-thon

North Sevier Middle School (NSMS) is kicking off a fresh and exciting new fundraiser this year. For many years, the school relied on selling wrapping paper and candy, but with rising costs and a decreasing share of profits, they decided it was time for a change.

“We have always been amazed by the incredible support this community shows for our students,” said Mr. Hinck, NSMS principal. “Whether as students, parents, or professionals, the people here are unmatched in their generosity which we greatly appreciate. However, it’s been difficult to watch so much of the money raised leave our community.”

Last year, a teacher and parent approached Mr. Hinck with an innovative idea: a Read-a-thon. This new initiative encourages students to read while collecting pledges, all tied to exciting school-based incentives. The goal is to promote reading and raise money for important school programs.

“It’s a win-win for everyone involved,” explained Mr. Hinck. “Students benefit from the encouragement to read, and the school can raise funds for key programs like guest speakers, assembly events, classroom supplies, technology upgrades, Wolf Card rewards, and teacher appreciation activities.”

The school has set a fundraising target of $10,000—less than what previous fundraisers typically generated but more than the school typically retained. “It’s a more sustainable approach,” said Mr. Hinck. “While the goal is lower, a larger percentage of the money raised will stay right here in the community.”

The Read-a-thon fundraiser will run from October 8 to October 31, concluding with a celebratory event that includes both the Read-a-thon and a Halloween party! Information on how to donate will be available through Binderly, the school’s communication platform.

Local businesses are also invited to participate by sponsoring student incentives for fundraising milestones. Sponsors will receive recognition on the school’s fundraising webpage, including a logo and a link to their business website. If you’re interested in supporting the cause, please contact Rod Hinck at NSMS at (435) 529-3841.

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Lora Fielding

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