Letter to Editor

Dear Editor,
I regret to say that the hope and anticipation for improvement in North Sevier football as a result of minor changes in the coaching staff and program has not produced results for which we hoped.

              As long as you, the staff, cater to those select 2 or 3 players (even though they have personally made every effort to do their best) there won’t be much of an improvement in the game outcome.  One wonders if the TEAM, consisting of many other players, together, would have more ability to execute plays, score points, and be successful in the end.  TEAM is several individuals playing together, not just 2 or 3 players.  Yet, it seems the coaches cannot see beyond their limited scope of vision to see that other team members have ability, work hard, and maybe even have a little talent.  Their limited vision or refusal to see this has created a dead-end football program.

              Over the last few years, mainly the last 2 or 3 seasons, there were some spectacular plays made- touchdowns from interceptions and catching the ball at kick off and running to the end zone to score a touchdown.  Those plays occurred seldom because those players were almost never given the chance to be in the right place, at the right time, in order to create these opportunities.

              Again, the people in the positions to make decisions regarding plays and players, seem to have no foresight, no creativity, and let favoritism get in the way of positive choices, decisions, and outcomes.

              I want to make it clear that any player on the football team is not and has not been responsible for the negative outcomes of any of the games. They are doing what they are told to do by the coaching staff as they have been trained. They work hard and strive to do their best with what the coaches have given them. They hope their efforts will produce positive game results.

              This shortfall of thought by the coaching staff has produced less than successful results of game outcomes.  The opposing team know what play will be run and who will run them.  There is never any surprise or challenge to them, and the result is, we give them exactly what they want and expect.

              I know young men who love to play football, but over the last four years, that love, interest, and dedication has been replaced with a strong desire to have the season come to an end.  This is a sad and pathetic epitaph. These players have persevered each year, hoping there would be more opportunities, more successes and more satisfactions, but those positive and rewarding experiences have not come and it seems, won’t.

              Differences in the outcomes of North Sevier football will have to come ‘from’ and ‘at’ the top. I for one am also happy that this football season is close to the end.  I have attended and continue to attend the games to be encouraging and supportive of the players.  I think it’s time for major changes and overhauling of the North Sevier football program.  As someone recently said to me, “Same Story, Different Season”.

Jana Wahlquist

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