First of three candidates speaks to Chamber
Edward Nielson, Sevier County Commissioner Seat B Candidate, introduced himself to local business owners and Chamber of Commerce members at their monthly meeting held Thursday, May 5, 2022. Nielson said he is running for the office because he is a member of the younger generation and wants to look out for them by bringing in a fresh perspective. He also pledged to look out for the older generation and takes into consideration their fixed incomes regarding taxes.
His plan is to not raise taxes, and he said he’s heard many in the county say we have too many police officers, but he thinks the opposite- there needs to be more.
Mayor Jed Maxwell asked Neilson what his specific plans were to decrease taxes, to which Nielson said the police officers don’t need fancy new cars each year and the county needs to bring in new businesses. He said the only way to change things in the area is to run for office, and he’s keeping his promise to those who supported him on his mail-in campaign four years ago.
Nielson would like to see more homes and motels in the area and businesses with good paying jobs to support them, particularly for the children who want to stay in the area and raise their families after high school/college/career trainings. He said he’s from a coal mining family and worries what will happen when the coal mine eventually runs out of coal; what will those families do for a living?
Carol Lowman, President of the Chamber of Commerce, asked Nielson what he could bring to Sevier County that the incumbent, Tooter Ogden, could not, to which he reiterated the fact that he’s young and will look out for the younger generation and keep their best interests in mind.
Other items of Chamber business:
The Welcome to Salina sign needs to be updated; anyone, business or individual, interested in donating towards the new sign, please contact either Carol Lowman or Sherri Sampson.
The Chamber of Commerce is working with the city’s Economic Development Committee, whose first task is Main Street’s Revitalization in coordination with RoadMap Utah. The committee has applied for a CIB grant, and recently Salina City received a grant from UDOT for updating their general plan, traffic forecasts, and ordinances. There will be some overlap in projects the funds were requested for, so more information will be forthcoming on which projects can be completed with which specific funds.
Kyle Wilson, local representative for Senator Mitt Romney, said the Downwinders Bill is set to expire in July and they’re working on renewing the Bill, expanding the eligible areas, and expediting the processes. He also said the BLM has hired a new law enforcement officer that those with grazing interests may not be excited about.