Experience the transformative power of Jesus Christ this Easter Sunday in the Salina Utah Area. We invite you to celebrate the Savior’s life, His sacrifice, and His Resurrection with us on Easter Sunday. Join us for a special Easter Service filled with uplifting messages and music that will provide a renewed appreciation of the power of Christ’s sacrifice. Discover the possibilities that bloom #BecauseOfHim. Easter Service Times: Salina Stake Center Easter Program 10:00 am
- Salina Creek Easter Program 9:00 am & YSA (Young Single Adults) Easter Program 10:30 am
- Aurora Easter Program: 9:00 am & 11:30 am
- Redmond Easter Program: 9:00 am
We warmly welcome all!
We look forward to spending this wonderful Easter Sunday with you.
The Salina Utah Stake Presidency