Locals Donavan and Breanna Allen, along with Jake and Erica Davis, partnered up to bring this community EXACTLY what it has been missing! A brand-new health spa located in Richfield! A great place to go relax, de-stress, and restore your body! Sevier County has never seen anything like this, and they are excited to show you what they have to offer!
“We are all big into living a healthy lifestyle and believe that taking care of yourself is a must!” said the Allens. “We offer relaxing massage sessions wtih top of the line “Human Touch” massage chairs, sessions in our full spectrum infrared saunas, chromotherapy, and more to come! We offer memberships, single sessions, and are there to help you feel your best!”
Donavan and Jake met only 5 months ago when Donavan helped Jake and Erica find and purchase a home in Richfield. Donavan and Jake are both investors and entrepreneurs and ended up becoming very good friends right away! At the same time, Donavan had just purchased a commercial building on Main Street that had one vacant unit that he didn’t quite know what to do with. Donavan and Jake got talking one day and the topic came up and Jake said, “Why don’t we just open a new business in there?” That’s all it took. Just like that, they brainstormed ideas that they were both passionate about to find a good fit.
With both so interested in health and wellness, the health spa just made sense! Donavan and Jake both own multiple businesses and knew exactly what it would take to get this thing up and running, so they put their heads together and made things happen! With the help of their wives, friends, and a few amazing employees, they completely renovated the building, created a business entity, obtained a business license after approval from the city, purchased all of the necessary equipment, and did all of the tasks involved in starting a business. And they did it in under 4 months!
After a lot of hard work, creativity, and perseverance, they are proud to share their dream with the local community. They invite everyone and anyone to come check out the spa and “Step out of Sevier County, and into a place of peace and relaxation”.
The spa is located at 163 North Main in Richfield and is open from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday.