Darren Baddley
Salina, Utah
Monday morning of October 23, 2023, Darren Lee Baddley, 42, passed away in a sudden tragedy and the clouds lifted as he was ushered into heaven with our loved ones. Darren was born in Salt Lake City, to his loving parents, William and Donna Baddley. His parents took great care in raising Darren alongside his siblings: TJ, Julianne, and Shaune, within the city of Kearns. Darren, being gifted at birth with a ginormous heart, held so much space for his loved ones, allowing them to create an abundance of diverse memories for them to cherish through his absence. He left them knowing how much he cares about each and every one of them in his own special ways.
Growing up, Darren enjoyed many things. To name a few, he became an unbeatable chess player, developed a love for soccer, made a plethora of friends, mastered the art of bridge building, and really followed to the beat of his own drum. Darren’s biggest highlight as a child was being the star of the baseball team where he played as a pitcher and a baseman. Even though baseball is a sport where you have a bunch of individual stars playing the love of the game… if they do not play together the game will not work.
A contributing factor to Darren’s success in baseball (aside from acquiring his talents within a ball and a bat) was being an upstanding team player. He was very well liked by his team and his coaches. As a matter of fact, there’s never really been any adult who didn’t love Darren. Anyone who’s ever had a conversation with Darren can relate when we say, his charisma is one that only comes around once in a lifetime. Everyone felt that in him, no matter where he was in his life. He was liked by so many people, that never seemed to change, that quality stuck with him; it was just him.
Amber Baddley, Darren’s treasure in life, certainly knew this to be true about him. When Amber first met Darren, she instantly knew “He is my person”. And that he was! Darren was certainly Amber’s person and the love they devoted to one another was unmatchable. Amber says it best “Darren is just easy”. Amber was the apple of Darren’s eye. Their love soon radiated for all to see the day Darren took Amber to be his lawfully married wife, September 22, 2011. As their love grew, their family grew too. Darren and Amber went on to create a remarkably beautiful family. Though Darren held many titles in life, from a hardworking, true stand up family man all the way down, through the line to a caring friend– his favorite role was being a husband and a father.
Darren’s love for his family was his driving factor in life; that alone is something to admire about him. His first born, Teagan, is Darren’s first born love and is his best little buddy, over All. Teagan and Darren quickly became best friends the moment Darren laid his eyes on his daughter. Darren would talk, chill, and jam with Teagan more often than not. Darren always stated how easy it was to talk to Teagan and how he looked at her as his best friend. His love for her is unconditional.
Bentley, his little Baddley boy he’s always wanted. When Bentley came along, Darren strived to be the man he wanted Bentley to be. Bentley was certainly born with a heart that replicates that of his fathers. He truly is his father’s son and Darren loved to be there for Bentley, teaching all the things that involved being all things, boy. Sharing their big hearts with the world. His love for him is unconditional.
Last but not least, daddy’s little girl, Hayzlee Jo; little but mighty, just like her daddy. Hayzlee has all of her dads curves and features, with her dad’s body posture, she truly makes the perfect little cheerleader! Oh, how her daddy loved to practice tumbling and stunt tricks with her. Darren was also the one who could help ease her when she was upset, Darren always had the magic touch to soothe Haze. His love for her is unconditional.
Darren had a different love language he’d express with each Teagan, Bentley, and Hayzlee. He loved them more than life itself; they allowed him to beam with pride throughout the rest of his life. Unfortunately, Darren’s wife and children only got a short amount of time with their beloved father; though he absolutely made sure to make the most of that special time and stamped his love seal upon each of their hearts.
It’s with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to such an iconic man. Darren will be remembered for all the heart and unforgettable laughter he shared with his friends and family. He will be remembered for the ways he could make you laugh no matter what kind of a mood you were in. He truly loved each of his family members- and if you knew him, you knew it. When Darren’s time came, he carried himself with dignity, strength, full of love and compassion. He will be missed dearly for the famously opinionated, family comedian, honorable man that he proved himself to be. As Darren is likely saying to us now; “Don’t you worry, Daddy’s riiight here. It’s gonna be okay.”
Darren is preceded in death by: great-grandparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and nephews: Lenox Vincent Ray Christiansen, Lucas Bentley Skeen; and niece, MacKenzie Clements.
Funeral services will be held Saturday, November 4, 2023 at 12:00 Noon in the Salina Stake Center. Visitations will be at the stake center Friday evening from 6-7 p.m. or Saturday morning from 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Burial will be in the Salina Pioneer Cemetery. Funeral Directors: Magleby Mortuary, Richfield, Salina and Manti. Online guestbook at www.maglebymortuary.com

PostedOctober 31, 2023 / Comments Off on Darren Baddley
Darren Baddley
Posted in Obituaries